Employment Contract Secondment: What You Need to Know

Secondment is a term used to describe the temporary transfer of an employee from one employer to another. This arrangement is common in many industries, including the corporate, legal, and healthcare sectors. Secondment may be for specific purposes such as a project or to fill a temporary position. It typically entails a new employment contract in which the employee maintains their employment status and benefits with their original employer while working for the seconded employer.

This article discusses employment contract secondment, including the details of the arrangement, its benefits and drawbacks, and legal considerations.

Details of Employment Contract Secondment

During a secondment, the employee becomes a member of the seconded employer`s organization for the duration of their contract. They are expected to comply with the employer`s policies and procedures like any other employee. This can include working hours, dress code, and attendance records.

The length of a secondment can vary from a few weeks to several years, depending on the employer`s needs and the terms of the employment contract. Often, a secondment is a mutually agreed-upon arrangement between the original employer, the seconded employer, and the employee.

Benefits of Employment Contract Secondment

Employment contract secondment has several benefits for both the employee and employers. From the employee`s perspective, a secondment can offer opportunities for professional development, learning new skills, and gaining experience in different areas. It can also provide a change of pace from their usual work environment.

For employers, secondment offers flexibility in managing staff. It enables them to fill a temporary skill gap or enhance their team`s experience or knowledge in a particular area. Additionally, it can provide a cost-effective way to recruit new employees by offering a secondment opportunity to evaluate their skills and performance before offering them permanent employment.

Drawbacks of Employment Contract Secondment

Despite its advantages, there are some drawbacks to employment contract secondment. For the employee, secondment may result in uncertainty about job security and future prospects. It may also involve relocation or uprooting their lives temporarily, which can be challenging.

For employers, secondment may pose a challenge in managing employees` workload and making sure that their original employer provides necessary support to them during their secondment period.

Legal Considerations

Employment contract secondment can have significant legal implications for all parties involved. The original employer should make sure that the employee`s employment status and benefits remain intact during the secondment period. It should also be clear that the employee will be returning to their original position once the secondment period ends.

The seconded employer, on the other hand, must ensure that the employee fully understands their obligations and responsibilities during their secondment period. This can be achieved by developing a comprehensive employment contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the secondment.


Employment contract secondment is a flexible way to manage staffing issues and provide growth opportunities for employees. However, it is essential to understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of the arrangement before entering into it. A well-drafted employment contract is vital to ensure that all parties involved are fully aware of their obligations and expectations.