OKCPS Negotiated Agreement: Key Points and Takeaways

The Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS) recently reached a negotiated agreement with the district`s teacher union, the Oklahoma City American Federation of Teachers (OCAFT). The agreement, which will be effective for the 2021-2022 school year, has several key points that both parties will want to take note of.

Here are some of the most important takeaways from the OKCPS negotiated agreement:

1. Salary Increases: Under the agreement, teachers will receive a 1.5% increase to their base salary. Additionally, there will be step increases for eligible teachers.

2. Health Insurance: The district will continue to cover 100% of the premium costs for employees` health insurance plans. The agreement also includes a provision that allows employees to opt out of the district`s health insurance plan if they have other coverage.

3. Professional Development: The agreement includes provisions for professional development opportunities for teachers, including a $200 stipend for teachers who complete a National Board Certification.

4. Teacher Evaluation: The agreement includes changes to the district`s teacher evaluation system, including a reduction in the number of required observations and a focus on student growth as a key factor in evaluations.

5. Workload: The agreement also addresses workload issues, with provisions for reduced paperwork and increased planning time for teachers.

Overall, the OKCPS negotiated agreement is a positive development for both teachers and the district. The salary increases and professional development opportunities will help retain and attract high-quality teachers, while the changes to the teacher evaluation system and workload provisions will help improve working conditions for educators.

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